Intensive module for Slovak filmmakers, organized in collaboration with CHARACTER – Film Development Association and the Slovak Film Institute, took place online May 18 - 21, 2020.
MIDPOINT Intensive SK successfully concluded online!

Selected Slovak feature-length projects (Cult, Loan, Love in the Capital of Nowhere, The Castle) consulted with the workshop tutor Ivo Trajkov the development of the script, and at the same time, the focus was also put on the creative collaboration within the teams.
Moreover, two projects from the previous edition (Crunk, The Spacehead) were offered the follow-up consultations focused on the progress of their scripts.
We are happy to see the program run successfully despite the unusual situation. We would like to thank all the participants as well as their tutor for the amount of hard work and focus they managed to put into the group works and consultations.
Furthermore, the four selected projects are about to consult their progress within the follow-up online consultations at the end of the summer.
This program is realized with the support of the Slovak Audiovisual Fund.