Julietta Sichel
Julietta Sichel is a Czech film producer, film theorist, film historian, journalist and festival programmer. From 1995 she worked as a Programmer at the Karlovy Vary IFF and from 2005 to 2010, she was the festival’s Program Director. Sichel started producing films in 2010, after founding 8Heads Productions. The latest titles produced by Julietta Sichel are feature films for teenage audience: "Smečka/The Pack", 2020 (co-production of Czech Republic, Latvia and Slovakia) and recently completed "Zoufalky/Lame-Os", 2021 (co-production of Latvia and Czech Republic). Sichel is currently in pre-production with another film for teenagers – a short film "Ledová trhlina/Ice Crack", and in development with two feature films for children: "GameGirl" (AKA Alice and the Black Queen, director Marina Andree Škop) and "Tichá pošta/Quiet Post" (director Ján Sebechlebský).