We are thrilled to announce the 9 new feature film projects and introduce the 3 script consultant trainees that have been selected for MIDPOINT Feature Launch 2023, our leading feature-length film program designed for filmmakers working on their first and second films.
Meet the 2023 Feature Launch projects & participants!

The „final 9“ resulted from the multi-stage selection process we started in early January and in total, 20 creative teams got the chance to receive feedback on their projects and to improve their projects.
Writers, producers and directors selected for the Feature Launch are about to experience in-depth script and project development training, starting in March 2023. Moreover, three script consultant trainees will accompany them on their inspirational journey.
They will be led by group leaders Pavel Jech, Pavel Marek and Ivo Trajkov, and script consultant trainees mentor Gyula Gazdag. The producers will be guided by producer mentor Danijel Hocevar and numerous guest tutors (e.g. Ada Solomon, Christian Routh, Katarina Tomkova) and other lecturers and experts will join us.
The whole program starts online today with Online Preparatory Seminar for Script Consultant Trainees, then it continues with a residential workshop in Bratislava (March 3-10), then continues with online workshops on May 1 – 5, 2023.
The third residential workshop in Prague (June 2023) is immediately followed by the Works in Development - Feature Launch project showcase at the Karlovy Vary IFF in July 2023.
The main financial KVIFF & MIDPOINT Development Award of 10,000 EUR for the best project will be granted within Eastern Promises Industry Days of Karlovy Vary IFF as well.
Then the arch of the program will continue with another online workshop in November 2023 focused also on marketing and distribution strategies.
Selected producers of the 2023 edition will also be invited to Trieste, Italy in 2024 for the special Company Time follow-up workshop, which will offer support in the areas of company sustainability and strategic business planning. This training is designed and co-organized with our partner EAVE.
Excavators / Cyprus
Argyro Nicolaou, writer/director
Constantinos Nikiforou, producer
Flight from Kabul / Slovakia
Sahraa Karimi, writer/director
Wanda Adamik Hrycova, producer
God Break Down the Door / Czech Republic
Vojtech Novotny, writer/director
Tomas Pertold, producer
Paperplanes / Greece
Selini Papageorgiou, writer/director
Iro Aidoni, producer
Mina Dreki, producer
Shadow Play / Iceland, Belgium
Kristian Van der Heyden, writer/producer
Pauline Baert, writer
Yr Thrastasdottir, director
Soft Hours / Hungary
Anna Gyimesi, writer/director
Genoveva Petrovits, producer
The Boy Who Saw In The Dark / Latvia
Rasa Bugavicute-Pece, writer
Pauls Kesteris, director
Kristians Alhimionoks, producer
The Portuguese House / Portugal
Avelina Prat, writer/director
Gerard Marginedas, producer
whatever, lol / Slovakia
Gabriela Gazova, writer/director
Katarina Krnacova, producer
Script consultant trainees:
Tomas Janacek / Czech Republic
Elena Lyubarskaya / Germany
Kevin Meul / Belgium
MIDPOINT Institute is excited to continue the industry collaboration with Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Trieste Film Festival and When East Meets West, to make another edition of Feature Launch possible!