The fifth edition of Works in Development - Feature Launch, a project showcase and networking event initiative between MIDPOINT Institute and Karlovy Vary IFF, will present 9 exciting feature film projects developed within the current MIDPOINT Feature Launch program.
MIDPOINT Institute presents 9 feature film projects at Karlovy Vary IFF

The projects have been carefully refined and further developed during the previous 2 workshops of the program. The third workshop starts in Prague on June 30, 2022, just a few days before the project showcase, and will focus mainly on pitching training.
The Works in Development - Feature Launch presentation, which brings together projects from the Romania, Latvia, Poland, Sweden, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia and Bulgaria, will take place on Monday, July 4, 2022 at 11 am, in Lázně III Cinema .
The best project will receive the KVIFF & MIDPOINT Development Award of 10.000 EUR.
The presented projects are:
A Flower Is Not a Flower (Romania)
Director/writer: Cristian Pascariu
Producer: Adriana Racasan (Point Film)
All My Friends Sonn Will Be Dead (Latvia)
Director/writer: Armands Zacs
Producer: Alise Gelze (White Picture)
Dolphin (Poland)
Director/writer: Sonja Orlewicz-Zakrzewska
Producer: Magdalena Sztorc (Before My Eyes)
My Best Friend´s Baby (Sweden)
Director/writer: Sophie Vukovic
Producer: Eliza Jones (Grand Slam Film)
My Name is Lily (Cyprus)
Director/writer: Yianna Americanou
Writer: Christina Georgiou
Producer: Stelana Kliris (Meraki Films)
Side By Side (Czech Republic)
Director/writer: Kilian Vratnik
Writer: Natalie Golovchenko
Producer: Noemi Krausova (Unit & Sofa Praha)
The First Week of August (Croatia)
Director/writer: Filip Mojzes
Producer: Matej Merlic
Twentyseven (Slovakia)
Director/writer: Gregor Valentovic
Producer: Zora Jaurova
You Better BE (Bulgaria)
Director: Magdelena Ilieva, Jonathan Heidelberger
Writer: Jonathan Heidelberger, Drago Bago, Magdelena Ilieva
Producer: Drago Bago, Magdelena Ilieva
Thanks to program partners, connecting cottbus co-production market and CineMart co-production market, selected MIDPOINT Feature Launch projects will receive the following awards:
connecting cottbus Award
A selected project from MIDPOINT Feature Launch will be granted the opportunity to pitch itself at connecting cottbus, the East-West co-production market during the Cottbus Film Festival.
Rotterdam Lab Award
One producer will be selected to participate in the professional training program for producers, Rotterdam Lab, which takes place during IFFR/International Film Festival Rotterdam.
MIDPOINT Feature Launch is also focusing on the training of aspiring script consultants, who join the creative process of project development and who will also present themselves within the Works in Development - Feature Launch.
This year´s Feature Launch script consultant training graduates are
Alizee Musson from France,
Andras Soos from Hungary and
Sonja Tarokic from Croatia.