MIDPOINT Institute presents 9 feature film projects and 3 script consultants at online Eastern Promises Industry Days of KVIFF.
Feature Launch showcase at KVIFF Eastern Promises

The fourth edition of Works in Development - Feature Launch, a project showcase and networking initiative organized by MIDPOINT Institute and Karlovy Vary IFF, will present online 9 exciting feature film projects developed within the current MIDPOINT Feature Launch, together with 3 script consultants who joined the program.
The projects were being developed since February this year in the course of three intensive online workshops and consultations in-between. The pitching training and presentation preparation was conducted by acclaimed pitching tutor Gabriele Brunnenmeyer.
The Works in Development - Feature Launch project showcase is planned
to start on Wednesday July 28 at 2 p.m. CEST online.
Film industry professionals who are interested in attending the presentation can register here.
Registered film industry professionals are also welcome to schedule one-to-one meetings for the days following the presentation.
The best project will receive the KVIFF & MIDPOINT Development Award of 10.000 EUR.
The presented projects are available here.
Presented script consultant trainees:
Olga Michalik
Mikulas Novotny
Eliza Subotowicz
Thanks to program partners, connecting cottbus co-production market and CineMart co-production market, selected MIDPOINT Feature Launch projects will receive following awards:
connecting cottbus Award
A selected team from MIDPOINT Feature Launch will be granted the opportunity to present their project at connecting cottbus, the East-West co-production market during the Cottbus Film Festival.
Rotterdam Lab Award
One producer will be selected to participate in the professional training program for producers, Rotterdam Lab, which takes place during IFFR/International Film Festival Rotterdam.