MIDPOINT Institute’s series development program TV Launch is slowly but surely approaching its peak – the final workshop and the pitching event, industry and networking platform held within Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event.
TV Launch 2021 Season Finale Pitching Event at Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event

Workshop 3 starts on Tuesday, November 16 and runs till Saturday, November 20 and will be mainly focused on marketing, promotion or distribution issues and pitching training. The program also consists of various lectures, masterclasses and case studies held within the TV Beats Forum (more info about MIDPOINT lectures at TV Beats here, the whole TV Beats program here).
Katarina Tomkova, the program coordinator, sums up the 7 months long development journey: "We've started our journey with these 9 wonderful projects and their teams, alongside the 3 talented development executive participants, online – so we're thrilled to be meeting in person after the immense work and amazing energy these participants have put into not only their projects, but into developing themselves as talents and their professional skills. I'm grateful and excited to watch them present themselves and their stories within the Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event platform and the TV Beats Forum.”
Nine series projects coming from Hungary, Lithuania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Romania will be presented on Friday, November 19 at 11:45 a.m. EET. Introduced will also be three development executive participants who took part in all sessions of the program, accompanying the projects on their development journey and learning and enhancing their script editing and feedbacking skills.
The pitching session is open for all accredited industry guests of the event. Professionals interested in talking to the creators of the presented projects can schedule a meeting via ITBE’s platform (as per the organizers' instructions).
The HBO Europe Award of 5.000 USD will be handed out by the partner of the workshop, HBO Europe, to celebrate the Best Series Project of the MIDPOINT TV Launch 2021 program within the Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event Awards Ceremony on Saturday, November 20.
Meet the projects and learn more about their creators as well as the development executive participants!