MIDPOINT's new program is dedicated to support the training of TV writing skills and is now accepting applications. The deadline is September 13, 2019!
MIDPOINT Writers' Room: call for applications

MIDPOINT Writers´ Room is a new program designed to boost up the TV production practice in the region of Central and East Europe. The program was conceived as a sidebar module of the project-based 9-months long TV Launch and is designed to support the training of specialized skills and offer practical knowledge about the organization of a writers’ room.
The program is open to writers and creative producers (with some experience in writing and the ambition of becoming creators/showrunners) without a particular project in development and is designed to stimulate the creative process and spark new ideas.
The program is designed to span both US and European perspective of the writers´ room, hence MIDPOINT engaged two internationally renowned tutors from both territories.
American executive producer and consultant Maggie Murphy will conduct the practical 4-day workshop together with Hungarian creative executive and MIDPOINT TV Launch Head of Studies Gabor Krigler (Joyrider TV).
Gabor Krigler says: "The key to the success of a TV drama a lot more often than not is collaboration. It is imperative that all the key contributors see the same show in their head, share the same vision and weave the story in one unified voice. Writers and producers – and that rare breed in Europe, the writer-producer – can all benefit from our new intensive module, where we simulate the work within the oft talked about Writers’ Room and show the participants how to achieve the optimum level of creative collaboration while still everybody feels ownership of the end product.
In Europe there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions about the role and identity of the showrunner and the work in the writers’ room. Our aim is to demystify the process and show it for what it is: a forum for articulating the common artistic goal and working harmoniously together to create the best product possible."
The deadline for application is September 13, 2019. The workshop will be organized in Prague, Czech Republic, during November 2 – 7, 2019.