MIDPOINT TV Launch is coming to Rome for Next Season!
MIDPOINT TV Launch graduate producers to meet at MIA Rome

Next Season is a brand new follow-up platform for TV Launch producer graduates, which is organized in partnership with MIA TV Market Rome and MediaXchange (October 17 – 20, 2019).
"The development process of our graduating projects naturally doesn’t end with concluding the program," says Katarina Tomkova, TV Launch Program Coordinator. "Coming from the low audiovisual capacity countries, our graduating projects can rarely find complete financing within their own countries or regions, and with their international appeal, it is only understandable they would be partnering up with further international players. This is the main objective of Next Season," she explains.
And which TV Launch graduates are coming to Rome?
Katarina Krnacova / SK / project 1989 / TV Launch 2016 graduate
Peter Badac / SK / project American Dream / TV Launch 2017 graduate
Eike Goreczka / DE / project Mother's Got a Gun / TV Launch 2018 graduate
Milan Stojanovic / RS / project TURBO / TV Launch 2018 graduate
"To really give the attending producers the opportunity to meet the most significant decision makers on the television market, as well as to approach the ones that are the right choices specifically for their project, we’ve partnered up with the MediaXchange platform, which is preparing this specific program for our graduates. Moreover, the program being offered within the framework of the MIA TV Market Rome gives the attending producers the benefit of attending the general industry program and to further network," Katarina presents the Next Season in greater detail.
MIDPOINT TV Launch 2020 is realized with the support of Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Czech Film Fund, the International Visegrad Fund. It is presented in cooperation with the Sarajevo Film Festival – CineLink Industry Days, Industry@Tallinn&Baltic Event, HBO Europe, Marseille Web Fest, Serial Eyes, NEM Zagreb, C21 Media, Series Mania, CANNESERIES Institute, MIA TV Market, MediaXchange and the Audiovisual Producers' Association. MIDPOINT operates under the auspices of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.