It's a great pleasure to announce the 9 selected projects and 2 development
executive participants for the 2019 edition of MIDPOINT TV Launch.
MIDPOINT TV Launch 2019 announcing project selection

The selected projects and its 20 participants will go through a 9-month development program, an idea-to-market program for emerging TV and web series creators, which takes these projects through an intensive scriptwriting process, and on to meet the international market and decision makers.
The first workshop takes place already this coming November in the intimate setting of Banska Stiavnica in Slovakia. The second workshop is held during the Finale Plzen Film Festival in the Czech Republic in April '19, and the final workshop takes the participants to the film market CineLink during Sarajevo Film Festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The 6 TV series projects come from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary and Slovakia and they are:
Babyland – writer Dianne Jones, writer Simona Nobile, producer/writer Martichka Bozhilova (Bulgaria)
CONVICTIONS – writer Barbora Namerova, writer/director Tereza Nvotova, producer Daniel Turcan (Slovakia)
Life Unexpected – writer Stelana Kliris, producer Tonia Mishiali (Cyprus)
Paradise – writer Panos Iosifelis, producer Lambis Charalampidis (Greece)
The Border – writer Judit Banhazi, writer Cyril Tysz (Hungary)
Willows – writer Milada Tesitelova, director Jan Tesitel, producer Julie Zackova (Czech Republic)
For the first time in the TV Launch history, program welcomes also 3 projects of web series, and they come from Slovenia, Hungary and Slovakia:
100% fine crystal – writer Anna Trebse (Slovenia)
The Hitchhiker – writer Marcell Patkai (Hungary)
Playgirl - writer Michaela Pnacekova (Slovakia)
The program also welcomes two development executive participants, who will be enhancing their skills within the whole TV Launch 2019 program, and they are:
Zuzana Ferenczova (Slovakia)
Martynas Mendelis (Lithuania)
Congratulations to all selected projects and participants!
MIDPOINT TV Launch is realized with the support of Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Czech Film Fund, the International Visegrad Fund, the Slovak Audiovisual Fund and the Audiovisual Producers' Association. It is presented in cooperation with CHARACTER – Film Development Association, the Finale Plzen Film Festival, the Sarajevo Film Festival – CineLink Industry Days, HBO Europe, Serial Eyes, C21 Media, Series Mania, CANNESERIES Institute, MIA TV Market and AMU.