Five short film projects by talented emerging filmmakers will be presented on January 24, 2022 within the When East Meets West co-production forum in Trieste, Italy and online.
MIDPOINT Shorts Workshop 2 & projects showcase at When East Meets West

The current edition of the MIDPOINT Shorts program offered intensive training to four short film projects in development and one in the post-production phase (Rites), which was selected in collaboration with the Cannes Short Film Corner. The creators worked under the guidance of Pavel Marek, an acclaimed director and script consultant and MIDPOINT Shorts Head of Studies, producer tutor Marija Razgute, pitching tutor Stefano Tealdi as well as several guest tutors.
The MIDPOINT development journey started in September with a preparatory kickoff session, followed by the first workshop focused mainly on creative development and dramaturgy, production strategies or project packaging.

The second and final workshop starts January 20, 2022 in Trieste, Italy, in partnership with the Trieste FF and When East Meets West co-production forum. The workshop will offer industry insights, pitching training or a lecture by Wouter Jansen focusing on festival strategies for short films. Worth mentioning is also masterclass by Sameh Alaa who will talk about his short film I Am Afraid to Forget Your Face, which was awarded by Palme d´Or at the 2020 Cannes Film Festival (and many other awards).
The intensive program will peak on Monday, January 24, 2022 at 15:30 CET with a project showcase hosted by MIDPOINT Institute pitching trainer Stefano Tealdi.
Accredited industry guests of When East Meets West are welcome to attend the pitching session – both onsite and online on the WEMW industry platform and set up meetings with the creators afterwards.
Presented will be following short film projects:
April 1989 / Slovakia
Maxmilian Turek / writer, director
Marek Urban / producer
Night Shift / Cyprus
Talat Gokdemir / writer, director, producer
Alasdair Bayne / writer, director, producer
Rites / Czech Republic
Damian Vondrasek / writer, director
Lukas Csicsely / co-writer
Martina Netikova / producer
The Annunciation / Ukraine
Nadia Parfan / writer, director
Aleksandra Kostina / producer
Wedding, Berlin / Czech Republic
Farah Abou Kharroub / writer, director, producer
Patrik Svehelka / producer