The co-production forum When East Meets West, taking place online within the Trieste Film Festival, starts on Monday, January 25 and runs till Friday, January 29, 2021.
MIDPOINT Institute online at When East Meets West

IDPOINT Institute is again happy to be part of the rich online industry program which includes pitching sessions, works in progress, labs and a variety of panels and round table discussions.
MIDPOINT Shorts Project Showcase / Monday, January 25 / 3:00 p.m. CET
The presentation of four projects developed within the MIDPOINT Shorts program.
MIDPOINT Feature Launch Spotlight / Tuesday, January 26 / 10.00 a.m. CET
Producers of Feature Launch 2020 generation will present their feature-length projects and the development progress.
Lecture: Marike Muselaers: How to find the right partners in this fast-paced, ever changing TV market? / Tuesday, January 26 / 11:30 a.m. CET
The lecture on TV series financing takes place within the MIDPOINT Cold Open 2021 program (January 25-28) and is open to accredited industry guests of When East Meets West.
Apart from this lecture, nine producers selected to be part of the second edition of this program will enjoy group sessions and individual consultations. MIDPOINT Cold Open is aimed at producers aiming to shift from feature films to quality series content and is led by Marike Muselaers and Gabor Krigler.
WHO IS WHO – Meet the Training / Wednesday, January 27 / 4:30 p.m. CET
Learn more about us and our offer as well as other training initiatives and programs! Sona Morgenthalova, MIDPOINT Feature Launch & Shorts program coordinator will be present at the event.