The seventh edition of MIDPOINT script development workshop starst on August 21, 2016. Check out the projects and participants!
Feature Launch 2016 is here!

As has traditionally been the case, August is the month of the MIDPOINT Feature Launch Workshop. Emerging filmmakers from all over Europe come to south Bohemia to be “locked up” in the middle of some beautiful nature so that they can work undisturbed on their scripts.
MIDPOINT emphasizes the importance of the creative tandem of the screenwriter-producer. This is why the program is open only to teams with semi-finished scripts, which can be further developed during this workshop. Submissions were accepted from professional filmmakers working on their first and second feature films.
MIDPOINT has also connected with new tutors and is pleased to introduce for the first time in the role of group leader, Anita Voorham, a freelancer working with TFL, the Dutch Film Fund and many more.
Moreover, after our successful cooperation with the Sundance Institute within this year’s IFF Karlovy Vary and the launching of a new workshop MIDPOINT Intensive @KVIFF Workshop, Gyula Gazdag (Artistic Director of the Sundance Filmmakers Lab) will participate by providing consultations on the nine selected feature-length projects in this year’s edition of the Feature Launch.
Some of the guest tutors of this year´s edition include producer Danijel Hočevar (Vertigo), producer Pavel Strnad (Negativ) and Anna Leimbrinck, a sales and distribution expert from AG KurzfilmAgentur.
The Feature Launch is still also a platform for developing short films, so that is why five projects will be developed under the supervision of the director Pavel Marek, who is also a professor in the Directing Department at FAMU.
It should be noted that this five-day workshop is not the only thing that is happening within the Feature Launch module this year. MIDPOINT has been able to prepare, thanks to its partnership with EAVE, a special platform, which will take place within the EAVE’s Producers Workshop 3 in Prague (October 10-17, 2016). All MIDPOINT Feature Launch 2016 producers will be invited to join the open plenaries of the EAVE Producers Workshop 3. Moreover, two of them will be selected to receive individual meetings with selected EAVE decision makers and EAVE experts. The October session in Prague will also offer an opportunity for writers and directors to get consultations on the new versions of their script with their Feature Launch tutors.