Berlinale Series Market (February 24 – 26, 2020) – a joint initiative of the European Film Market, the Berlinale Co-Production Market and Berlinale Talents – has prepared a unique three-day event focusing on all aspects of the serial content.
Berlinale Series Market: MIDPOINT graduates in the spotlight

Berlinale Series Market continues with its mission of introducing new writing talents from the world of series. The special panel Hot Contenders 2020: Discover the Next Generation is dedicated to carefully handpicked alumni from European serial studies programs and training platforms – including MIDPOINT Institute.
MIDPOINT's essential concern is to follow and support its graduates in their professional careers. That’s why we are very proud to announce that our TV Launch program alumna Agata Koschmieder will be among the selected six “talents to watch” of the Hot Contenders panel.
Agata would be presenting her new series project “The Polish Aliens' Republic” and proving its potential in an instant feedback session with top-notch industry players.
Participating also are graduates Ivan Knezevic (TV Launch 2016) under the Serial Eyes training program and Stefan Gieren (Writers' Room 2019) under Berlinale Talents.
The panel Hot Contenders 2020: Discover the Next Generation will take place on Wednesday, February 26 at Zoo Palast from 11.15 – 12.45 and will introduce a new generation of writers from the Berlinale Talents, dffb Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin / Serial Eyes, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg / Serien-Producing, Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF / Winterclass Serie, ifs internationale filmschule köln / MA Serial Storytelling and the MIDPOINT Institute.
HOT CONTENDERS 2020: Discover the Next Generation:
WHEN: Wednesday / Feb 26 / 11.15 – 12.45
WHERE: Zoo Palast / Berlin
HOW: EFM badge
Meet Us
MIDPOINT Institute team is attending the 70th Berlinale and the European Film Market.
In case you would like to set up a meeting, do not hesitate and contact us - we are coming to meet you!